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Broadcast and Program Distribution Video Transport Network Services
IP MPLS fiber optic networks and satellite teleports offer TV broadcast and video program distribution ready access worldwide.

By: John Shepler

If you are involved in video production, distribution, news reporting or TV sportscasting, you have an immediate and ongoing need for video transport services. Satellites have long been used for this purpose, but worldwide fiber optic networks have benefits that include almost unlimited bandwidth, low latency and availability for many popular venues. The merger of Level 3 and Global Crossing has combined their video transport operations into an impressive array of service options.

Level 3 Vyvx Service
Level 3’s Emmy Award winning video service is called Vyvx. They offer broadcast fiber services, managed video network services, teleport and satellite services and venue services. Their venue service, called VenueNet, offers dedicated access points at every major league stadium in the US. In addition to accessing the Vyvx fiber optic network, Level 3 provides high quality video encoding, Internet, telephone access and dedicated support for each venue.

Based on IP MPLS Networks
The heart of the Vyvx system is a IP MPLS network with extensive reach. What MPLS brings to the table is inherent VPN security, the ability to reroute video connections on the fly if a fault occurs in the network, and rapid set up and tear down of video connections. You can plan ahead to book the service you need or get a connection at the last minute through the Vyvx 24/7 booking center. This is more difficult to do with limited bandwidth satellite services and unheard of with dedicated point to point fiber connections over traditional switched circuit telecom networks.

Uncompressed HD Video Transport
Within the last year, Level 3 has added uncompressed high definition video transport services between Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and New York City at 1.5 and 3.0 Gigabits per second. This offers video producers and broadcasters the opportunity to deliver live video feeds in their native, pristine form without any compression.

Managed Network Services
Another Vyvx service is Managed Video Network Service (MVNS). This is a fully managed distribution system that provides both fiber optic connectivity and the necessary equipment. With MVNS, you can distribute video feeds to multiple destinations using a web-based booking system. These feeds can be broadcasts or prerecorded content.

Global Crossing Genesis Solutions
With the acquisition of Global Crossing, Level 3 has picked up Global Crossing’s Genesis Solutions, a formerly competing video transport service. Genesis offers global HD video over IP transmission, portable bandwidth that you can book as you need it, and point to multipoint access that can be set up immediately.

Converged IP Network Reach
Global Crossing’s converged IP network connects 700 cities in 70 countries worldwide. The Genesis Solutions uses that network to offer specialized managed video services with compressed and uncompressed transmission options. Dedicated bandwidth is available in any increment between 2 Mbps and 270 Mbps. MPEG 2/4 compression equipment is available for encoding, decoding transcoding and compression to deliver the desired bit rate and format needed.

The Merger Increases Network Reach
As you can see, there is a lot of compatibility between Level 3’s Vyvx and Global Crossing’s Genesis. The combination of the two networks adds capacity and extends the reach of the combined system to every major broadcast market in the world via fiber optic transmission. There are also eleven satellite teleports for those odd locations where fiber still doesn’t go.

What Video Support Do You Need Now?
Do you need full time or occasional video transport services for broadcast or program distribution? If so, don’t assume that the cost is prohibitive or that there isn’t the capacity available for the locations you have in mind. Level 3 Vyvx Solutions has both the capability and experience to handle whatever you need and whenever you need it. Check prices and options for video transport services now to confirm that your project will meet schedule and budget.

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